Automated Testing & Monitoring
Metricell's Beacon and AutoMobile solution is a complete and comprehensive automated testing solution for network operators. It is easy to deploy and can be used for managing network performance at static and mobile locations.
Both Beacon and AutoMobile are plug-and-play devices that are remotely managed, so they are completely autonomous once deployed in the field.
Beacon is used to monitor network performance at static locations such as enterprise headquarters, key transit links, retail stores, or other locations of interest. Thresholds can be applied against the results to create a comprehensive monitoring and alarming solution.
AutoMobile is used in any vehicle to collect network performance data along the road network. All collected data is automatically sent to the SmartTools platform.
This solution provides network operators with a powerful tool to monitor network performance and identify and address issues quickly and efficiently.

How Crowdsourcing Can Dramatically Reduce the Cost of Collecting Network Performance Data
Crowdsourcing is a powerful tool that can be used to collect network performance data at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods such as drive testing.
Metricell's Aptus SDK makes it easy to integrate crowdsourcing into any third-party application. With Aptus, you can collect data from millions of devices simultaneously, covering your entire network in a matter of days.
The data collected through crowdsourcing is not just limited to domestic use. You can also capture international roaming information, providing unique insights into how your subscribers roam across the globe.
Crowdsourcing is a cost-effective and efficient way to collect network performance data. If you're looking for a way to improve the quality of your network, crowdsourcing is a great option.

Network Visualisation & Data APIs
Metricell’s SmartTools platform can visualise any dataset provided by network operators, third parties or open source vendors to provide a holistic view of the mobile environment.
Each of our tools specialise in delivering a wide range of tailored use cases to help with managing network performance, ranging from Network Visualisation with SmartNetwork; powerful self-built analytical dashboards with SmartBoards to Contact Centre specific platforms with SmartAgents and external Network Status Checker API to integrate with a number of different touchpoints.
Metricell also have a suite of APIs available to integrate these datasets and capabilities into third party platforms and solutions.

Area Improvement & Workflow Manager
Our tool does not just visualise data, but also allows you to analyse, plan and act upon it. The software helps with network configuration management by automatically identifying and helping manage areas of poor mobile or fixed network connectivity. This is achieved by evaluating and correlating a vast range of datasets, using Machine Learning to empower Metricell proprietary algorithms to create geographic clusters for improvement.
Users can be assigned responsibility, make comments and track trends. What’s more, the tool is highly configurable with: (a) adjustable weightings to identify only the worst performing areas; (b) customisable worksheets to match existing workflows and processes and (c) date filters to assess the impact of work / changes to the network.

Scalable Data Testing
Due to the innovation of crowdsourcing and autonomous measurements, network operators can no longer rely on dedicated speed test servers when conducting millions of measurements. In response to this challenge, Metricell provides a highly scalable and cost-effective solution that enables customers to fulfil their testing ambitions.
The service offers users the ability to perform flexible data speed and experience testing e.g. Download Speed, Upload Speed, Ping, Jitter and Synthetic OTT Application tests. It’s cloud-based, secure, reliable and resilient; meaning you can measure data connectivity knowing that the infrastructure supporting the tests are not impacted negatively on the results.